Get your Ham Radio License Module1 Presentation :: Purpose of Amateur(Ham)Radio

The Federal Communications Commission, FCC Rules and Regulations for Amateur Radio are in Part 97

ยง97.1 Basis and purpose.

The rules and regulations in this part are designed to provide an amateur radio service having a fundamental purpose as expressed in the following principles:

Value of ham radio

The FCC rules give the Amateur Radio Service a large portion of the radio spectrum. A company that wants just a single narrow-band channel needs some $$$$ to get it. Hams justify this generous portion by provide communications free of charge. The FCC Rules Part 97.113 prohibit hams from using these frequencies for financial gain.

Instead ham provide emergency and supplimental communications. When weather , earthquakes, fires and other event damage or overloads communications hams are availble to take up some slack. Public Service Events like bike treks and races, for example the Dempsey Challenge, many hams volunteer to provide communiccations for the SAG Vehicles and Rest Stops.

The MS Walk in Lewiston, Maine uses ham radio to communicate from the Lewiston High School Gym out to the SAG and Rest Stops.
The ham radio crew for the MS-Walk-Androscoggin County

It might not look pretty but the circuit below allow for three things mention in FCC Rule 97.1

  • 97.1b Advancing the Art, The combination of computer and radio open the relm of commications via unattend setup, like email, the recipient can pick up a message send while they were not around AND reply to the sender even if they are not at their station at the time. The circuit is a radio to sound card interface for a packet radio setup using the UZ7HO soundmodem/Easyterm package with mailbox.
  • 97.1d. Reservoir of trained operaters,the constructing circuit and setting it up help me to improve my soldering and electronic troubleshooting skills.
  • 97.1e Goodwill, the ham who wrote the program Andrei UZ7HO is a Ukraine ham operator. Many digital communications modes
radio to soundcard interface components are mounted on cardboard
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